Welcome to Maureen Joy Charter School Welcome to Maureen Joy Preview the great things happening at Maureen Joy! Show Transcript weather today we are Marine Joy Charter School school is Easter the bottom floor system kindergarten through 4th grade upstairs we house our Middle School which is our fifth grade through eighth grade this is a good school the people the students here they're not free like they're not afraid to come for you that one for me is always relationship-building they need to know and understand that you believe in them that they can trust you that you are safe space for them and every bond is different with every child I enjoy that my teacher speaks Spanish and I told her everything about my life they help me learn they help me I'm do projects together that's why I love my teacher so much this school year we brought our student government to life today is election day it's part of a greater push that we've made at the school and not just do education to our young people but to make them a part of the journey and to lend more voice to their experience join means that nothing can be perfect all the time but you have people around you to support you is you being happy where you are relationships Community Learning high-density good morning we believe in the young people in this place welcome to Maureen Joy Charter School